Tiff Goes Healthy

My journey to become a healthier person

9-13-08 Breakfast and lunch September 13, 2008

Filed under: Breakfast,Lunch — Tiff @ 4:30 pm
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Mike had to leave early this morning to take his CSET in Riverside at 7am. So I was up early with him. I did a 2.2 mile walk on the treadmill and then made breakfast. I had a spinach omelet with egg whites, cheese, salsa and avocado. On the side I had a whole wheat english muffin with lowfat cream cheese. Great breakfast…I love eggs!!!

I made a quick lunch before I went to my mom’s house. She needed help loading songs on her ipod. I made a chicken salad with mixed greens, olives, zucchini, cucumber, sprouts, cheese, and croutons with a light balsamic vinaigrette.

Tonight for dinner I’m planning on making tacos for Mike and a big taco salad for me….and a few light beers to drink. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the picture later.

EDIT: When Mike got home from taking his test we went to his sister’s house, but before we left I had a spinach pizza and 2 coors lights. When we got to his sister’s I made myself a turkey sandwich with mustard, cheese and lettuce with Doritos. I also had 2 bud light limes and a ice cream bar (270 calories). Not a very healthy night, but I’ll make up for it tomorrow. 🙂


Got home late September 11, 2008

Filed under: Dinner — Tiff @ 7:46 am
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Volleyball practice ended at 4:30pm and the spinning class started at 5:00pm… I really didn’t want to go and wanted to go shopping instead. But I went…before the class I had half of a PB Larabar and had the other half after the class. Good thing I chose to go though, I got there right when it started and burned 352 calories. I don’t think my heart rate monitor was accurate though, my heart rate was very low the whole time and normally it’s very high during that class. Oh well, I’m glad I went cause I felt great afterwards. When the class was over I went shopping at Super Target…love this place….I walked around for almost 2 hours just looking at all the cool stuff they have. I ended up buying some workout clothes while I was there. I got 2 sports bras, 2 pairs of workout shorts, and 2 pairs of bermuda shorts.

By the time I got home (8:30pm) I was starving…I snacked on some Annie’s cheddar crackers and dark chocolate chips. I wanted something quick for dinner so I made a spinach omelet using egg beaters, spinach, jalapeno mexican cheese, avocado and salsa. On the side I had a morningstar sausage patty and an english muffin with lowfat cream cheese.